January 18, 2020
January 25, 2020
February 15, 2020
February 29, 2020
March 7, 2020
March 28, 2020
April 18, 2020
April 25, 2020
October 12, 2019
November 9, 2019
November 16, 2019/DEEP Sabbath
at Oakwood University
December 7, 2019
December 14, 2019
We are urging our pastoral staff to work from home wherever possible. To contact the pastor on call, dial 423.236.7136.
Auditions for the April 19, 2025 Pageant will be held February 10-13 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. To sign up for an audition time for one of the main cast fill out the Auditioned Cast Application, or to be part of the non-auditioned cast (which includes soldiers, mobsters, believers, priests, etc.) fill out the Extra Cast Application.
If you have questions, email sonrisecasting@southern.edu.
For the Marketplace, contact Sharon Moses at wmsmoses@epbfi.com. (Pattern to make a costume)
Sanctuary Cast - Watch for a link to sign up.
Main (Auditioned) Cast
Audition applicants should be prepared to deliver a memorized monologue, lasting 60 to 90 seconds as well as doing a cold reading. Applicants can use the monologue provided in the link below or they are allowed to create their own monologue as long as they bring printed copies of their monologue to the audition.
Auditioned parts include:
Jesus (6)
Mary Magdalene (6)
John (6)
Salome (2-6) --friend to Mary Magdalene
Peter (2-6)
Mary Mother of Jesus (2)
Satan at Gethsemane (1) --male
Gabriel at Gethsemane (1) --female
Pilate (1)
Thieves on the Cross (2)
Some of the “requirements” for being cast in one of the above positions is to attend auditions for a particular part you would like to play; learn your lines; and attend the required number of evening rehearsals (approximately three weeks).
Requests for an audition time should be sent to sonrisecasting@southern.edu.
You may choose one of the attached monologues or bring your own portraying a Biblical character. (If you choose a monologue not provided, be sure to bring a copy for the audition board.)
For Gabriel (female), Satan (male), and angel auditions you will need to prepare roughly a 60-90 second choreographed routine to a musical selection of your choice. Please keep musical selections appropriate for a church setting. These roles are non-speaking and thus we are looking for believability and emotional delivery through worshipful acting with your body. Please don’t expect to give us a speaking audition; we are only looking for choreographed routines. Bring your music on an iPad, phone, or computer that you can play it on..
Requests for an audition time should be sent to sonrisecasting@southern.edu.
Crucifixion Vocalist
If you would like to audition for the vocalist at Crucifixion, be prepared to sing one verse of “Were You There?” a cappella. Vocal auditions will be held during the audition times listed above. Requests for an audition time should be sent to sonrisecasting@southern.edu.